Rick's International Blogging Center

The online ponderings of Rick Jones, the world's smartest, sexiest, coolest, and most handsome man.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Blog Seven: Jacksonville

Hola, amigos! Okay, so I've been slow getting the latest news out.

I'm in sunny Jacksonville, Florida. Jacksonville is the part of Florida that isn't either fun or scenic; it's like 50% Fun Florida and 50% South Carolina. (This is still better than panhandle Florida, which is 20% Florida and 80% Mississippi.) Fortunately, one thing they do have here is wireless net access so I'm happy. Well, as happy as I can be when I'm this far from home.

Many things taking place these days. The softball team was robbed of $125 by two scum-sucking, no good, lying thieves who used to play for us, and who quit the team and then claimed they didn't. But other that that things go well!

Next week I have to go to Atlanta, which is even less fun than Jacksonville; allegedly the Coke Museum is cool but I never seem to have time. Then Rochester and Buffalo, which are of course the least fun places in the world. But soon, we're off to California for our anniversary and a week of mondo fun.


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