Rick's International Blogging Center

The online ponderings of Rick Jones, the world's smartest, sexiest, coolest, and most handsome man.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Blog Thirty-Six: Small Girl Swims!

We took the Small Girl to the community pool today for her first swim; nothing cuter has ever been seen by mortal man. Clad in her little waterproof swim trunks, she bobbed along with Mommy and Daddy and even dunked her head a few times. It was awe-inspiringly cute.

Most of the house paperwork is done; the waivers are signed, the mortgage secured. Basically, what happens now is we show up on the 27th, sign a big check, sign some papers, and shazam. We move on March 11, as we've got this place all that month.

Two weeks before paternity leave. Tick, tick, tick.


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