Rick's International Blogging Center

The online ponderings of Rick Jones, the world's smartest, sexiest, coolest, and most handsome man.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Blog Twenty: Katie

Snaby Girl's youngest sister Katie is down for New Year's, which is always fun. The Small Girl disagrees, and has been insanely fussy again today.

My blog is beginning to get extremely boring, at least to my eyes; a dull recounting of current Rick events. My life isn't all that exciting, let's be honest; it's fun to ME, but to you I'm sure it's like reading the phone book. Of course, the only people who read this are about five family members. I have to start including more funny stories, incisive commentary, and such.

So today I would like to discuss Eric Hinske.

Eric Hinske plays for the Blue Jays. In 2002, he was the Rookie of the Year, having a terrific season. Prior to the 2003 season he apparently trained mostly on hamburgers and milkshakes, showing up for spring training even fatter than I am, and left his batting eye at home. In the three seasons hence he has been what analysts call a "replacement level" player, e.g. essentially equivalent to any number of players you could scrape up out of the minor leagues, or get for nothing from another team.

In other words, he sucks, and he sucks bad.

Hinske lost his job at third base in 2005, being shifted to first, as he can't really play third at all. Now he's lost that job, since the Jays have acquired a new first baseman, and just to emphasize it they also got another third baseman to play DH so Hinske really has no role left at all. Blue Jays fans have rejoiced, as this meant, presumably, that Hinske - or "Krispy Kreme" - would be riding the pine. (They can't trade him. Nobody would take him.)

So then yesterday the Jays' GM, J.P. Ricciardi, asked what Krispy Kreme would be doing in 2006, says he's going to move to left field.

Holy flurkin' schnitt. LEFT FIELD? Krispy Kreme has less range than I do. He'll be the worst hitting AND the worst fielding left fielder in the major leagues, easily. What in the name of Christ are they thinking?





  • At 5:36 PM, Blogger Carlyjayjay said…

    I have news for you... your recounting of your life is WAY more interesting than baseball!


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